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Collèges du 47

Agen - Dangla
Agen - Ducos du Hauron
Agen - J. Chaumié
Agen - Jasmin
Aiguillon - Stendhal
Bon-Encontre - La Rocal
Casseneuil - G. Carrère
Casteljaloux - J. Rostand
Castillonnès - J. Boucheron
Duras - L. Sigala
Fumel - J. Monnet
Le Passage - T. de Viau
Marmande - Cité Scolaire
Marmande - J. Moulin
Mas d'Agenais - D. Castaing
Miramont - D. Lamoulie
Monflanquin J-Kessel
Mézin - A. Fallières
Nérac - H. de Navarre
Penne d'Agenais - D Asperti
Port Ste Marie - D. de G.
Ste Livrade - P. Froment
Tonneins - Germillac
Villeneuve - A. France
Villeneuve - Crochepierre




UNIT 2 : Exercices de révision.

1) Adjectifs possessifs / Pronoms compléments : rayez proprement le mot qui ne convient pas.

    1) Our / us school is in a small street.

    2) Simon and his / their parents are talking to their / them neighbours.

    3) Mum, Dad, look at my / me !

    4) At Christmas, Santa Claus comes at night but we can't see him / his. He puts presents under the

        Christmas tree and we open their / them in the morning.


2) Remplacez les groupes soulignés par des pronoms (sujets ou compléments).

    1) Does Simon's sister like Peter too ?            4) Mark's T-shirt is white.                                      

    2) Do you know Alice ?                            5) Is your Dad coming to the park with Alice and me ?


    3) Do you like Kate's friends ?                       6) Where are my sport shoes ?


3) Conjuguez.


forme affirm.

forme négative

forme interrogative

présent simple

I phone

he ................

I don't phone


Do I phone ?

Does he .....................

présent simple

he works

we ................

he ..........n't ............

we ............................

.......... he ....................

......... we ...................

prétérit simple

I phoned

he phoned

I didn't phone

he didn't phone

Did I phone ?

Did he phone ?

prétérit simple

I called

they .....................

I .............. call


........ I call ?



4) Rusty's story Ecrivez les verbes entre parenthèses au prétérit.

    On Friday night, Kate ................. (to be) alone at home. She .................... (to be) worried because Rusty

    ............n't (to be) in the house and there .................. (to be) strange noises in the garden.

    She ........................ (to phone) her parents who .................. (to be) with friends and her mother

    ........................... (to promise) to drive slowly to see if Rusty..................... (to be) in the street.

    On Saturday morning, Kate and her father ..................... (to decide) to go to the police station. Her father

    ................................. (to describe) Rusty and the police officer ........................ (to ask) questions

    about him. In the afternoon, Kate and her friends .......................................... (to look for)

    Rusty everywhere. But they ..........n't .................. (to find) him.

    On Sunday night, Kate and her mother ......................... (to be) very happy because Rusty....................... (to

    be) back with Mr Collins, their neighbour. Mr Collins ................................. (to explain) that he ....................

    (to discover) him in an old house next to the station.  But Kate and her mother .................... (to be) sad too

    because they ........................... (to realise) that Rusty's left leg ................... (to be) broken.

    So they ......................... (to ask) Mr Collins to take them to the vet's.

5) Présent simple ou présent continu ? Conjuguez le verbe au temps qui convient !

1. My cat  ................................. (to hate) noise so he always  ....................................... (to run away)

    when I play video games.

2. Listen ! The dog ................................................... (to bark). Is there a burglar in the garden ?

3. - Mary, why ............. you ................................... (to cry) ?  - My little kitten is dead !

4. - .............. Alice ............................... English well ?   - Yes, of course : her mother is American !

5. Mum usually .............................. (to drive) me to school but today, I ............................................

    (to take) the bus because our car is broken.

6. Mum always .......................................... (to help) me with my homework but today, she can't because

    she ................................................... (to visit) my grandmother at the hospital.

   Impression Impression

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