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Collèges du 47

Agen - Dangla
Agen - Ducos du Hauron
Agen - J. Chaumié
Agen - Jasmin
Aiguillon - Stendhal
Bon-Encontre - La Rocal
Casseneuil - G. Carrère
Casteljaloux - J. Rostand
Castillonnès - J. Boucheron
Duras - L. Sigala
Fumel - J. Monnet
Le Passage - T. de Viau
Marmande - Cité Scolaire
Marmande - J. Moulin
Mas d'Agenais - D. Castaing
Miramont - D. Lamoulie
Monflanquin J-Kessel
Mézin - A. Fallières
Nérac - H. de Navarre
Penne d'Agenais - D Asperti
Port Ste Marie - D. de G.
Ste Livrade - P. Froment
Tonneins - Germillac
Villeneuve - A. France
Villeneuve - Crochepierre

Début /  Agen - Dangla /  La pédagogie (collège Dangla) /  Les actions pédagogiques (collège Dangla)

Last year, from April 3rd to April 8th, some pupils who were in 4è and the English teachers went to England by bus. We went across the Channel through the tunnel. We arrived in Portsmouth and, after breakfast, we visited HMS Victory (Admiral Nelson's ship) and the Royal Naval Museum. Then we ate "fish & chips" in a pub and went shopping. In the afternoon, we visited Stonehenge. The weather was very cold and very windy ! Then we drove to Shepton Mallet, a village near Bath where we met our guest families. On the day after, Wednesday, we went to Bath where we visited the great and old Roman Baths.

This was a very good day because there were musicians and pigeons on the city square Where we had lunch. It was great !

On Thursday, we visited Wookey Hole Caves and the Paper Mill. It was one of the things the pupils didn't like much. However, in the afternoon, we visited Wells Cathedral which was very interesting.

Wells Cathedral

Lunch break in Bath

After, we played ball on the "famous grass of England" and we saw some typical old houses.

On Friday, the last day, we went to London ! In the morning, we visited Shakespeare's New Globe Theatre. Outside,

there was a plaque with Mme Ozanne's name on it !!!

Then we ate at (in fact, outside) Mac Donald's. But it was very good !

Outside Mac Donald's

On the London Eye

The view of the city was incredible. Then we had to come back by bus. The day in London was a bit short. The journey back was quiet and sad...

The things we preferred were Wells Cathedral, the London Eye, Mac Donald's and especially Bath. The guest families were very nice and nearly all of us had an English breakfast. We could speak to the families and they were very nice : they listened to us and they helped us with our English accent.

It was a very good trip and all of us will remember it.

   Impression Impression

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