Intranet des collèges de Lot-et-Garonne
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Collèges du 47

Agen - Dangla
Agen - Ducos du Hauron
Agen - J. Chaumié
Agen - Jasmin
Aiguillon - Stendhal
Bon-Encontre - La Rocal
Casseneuil - G. Carrère
Casteljaloux - J. Rostand
Castillonnès - J. Boucheron
Duras - L. Sigala
Fumel - J. Monnet
Le Passage - T. de Viau
Marmande - Cité Scolaire
Marmande - J. Moulin
Mas d'Agenais - D. Castaing
Miramont - D. Lamoulie
Monflanquin J-Kessel
Mézin - A. Fallières
Nérac - H. de Navarre
Penne d'Agenais - D Asperti
Port Ste Marie - D. de G.
Ste Livrade - P. Froment
Tonneins - Germillac
Villeneuve - A. France
Villeneuve - Crochepierre


Leçon sur les attentats du 11 septembre 2001 à imprimer ou à recopier dans le cahier :


NINE ELEVEN  u 9-11-2001               détournés par des pirates de l'air


On September 11th 2001, two hijacked planes crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center

in New York City. These skyscrapers were destroyed in a few minutes.

A third plane crashed on the Pentagon (The Ministry of Defence) in Washington.

A fourth plane crashed in a field (un champ) in Pennsylvania because the passengers rebelled against the hijackers (les pirates de l'air) . So this plane missed its target (sa cible) : the White House which is

the President's official home in Washington.


Nine Eleven = September 11th 2001

= one of the most tragic events in the history of the USA

                                               9 an event = un événement


- to manage to do something = arriver à faire qque chose


- to threaten with weapons     →   machine guns (mitraillettes)

   (menacer avec des armes)      →    guns (revolvers)

                                               →    bombs

  The hijackers threatened the pilots with cutters, knives [naɪvz] and scissors and took control of the

   planes. They didn't use guns.


- "alive" is the contrary of "dead"

   Impression Impression