Intranet des collèges de Lot-et-Garonne
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Collèges du 47

Agen - Dangla
Agen - Ducos du Hauron
Agen - J. Chaumié
Agen - Jasmin
Aiguillon - Stendhal
Bon-Encontre - La Rocal
Casseneuil - G. Carrère
Casteljaloux - J. Rostand
Castillonnès - J. Boucheron
Duras - L. Sigala
Fumel - J. Monnet
Le Passage - T. de Viau
Marmande - Cité Scolaire
Marmande - J. Moulin
Mas d'Agenais - D. Castaing
Miramont - D. Lamoulie
Monflanquin J-Kessel
Mézin - A. Fallières
Nérac - H. de Navarre
Penne d'Agenais - D Asperti
Port Ste Marie - D. de G.
Ste Livrade - P. Froment
Tonneins - Germillac
Villeneuve - A. France
Villeneuve - Crochepierre


Compréhension orale d'un poème  en rapport avec les attentats du 11 septembre2001 :

1) imprimer  le doct ci-dessous intitulé "How my life has changed"

2) accéder à l'enregistrement de ce poème en retournant dans le cahier de textes électronique de la classe et en ouvrant "liens vers enregistrments sur 9 11"  publié le 23 novembre

3) compléter le poème en écoutant l'enregistrement

Hillary North who worked for AON Corporation on 103rd floor of WTC 2 reads the poem she wrote

in memory of her workmates.                              (with permission from: Sept 11 Digital Archive)




1.       I can no longer flirt with Loo.

2.       I can no longer .......................................M.......

3.       I can no longer ...................................................Suzie and .......

4.       I can no longer meet the dead line with ...............

(finir le travail dans les délais)

5.       I can no longer ............................................................................................

6.       I can no longer ............................................................................................

7.       I can no longer ...................................................impression on ................

8.       I can no longer Paul.

9.       I can no longer hold...............................................................................

10. I can no longer confide in ..........................

(me confier à)

11. I can no longer complain (me plaindre)....................................................................

12. I can no longer ...............................................................with Donna R.

13. I can no longer .....................................................Yollanda

14. I can no longer ........................ a client .....................................

15. I can no longer contribute to the booked drive organised by ........................

                        (participer à la sortie organisée par)

16. I can no longer hang out with ........................................


17. I can no longer give career advice to Suzie and P.

                        (donner des conseils professionnels)

18. I can no longer ................................................with Donna G.

19. I can no longer watch Mary Ellen cut through the bull shit.

                                                      (supprimer les conneries)

20. I can no longer .............................................................................

21. I can no longer ..............................................................................

22. I can no longer ............................................................................

23. I can no longer gossip with Anna.

                        (faire des commérages)

24. I can no longer run into Dave P. at the vending machine.

                                                        (le distributeur de boissons)

25. I can no longer call .........................................................................

26. I can no longer compliment ....................................................

27. I can no longer ........................Herman's............................

28. I can no longer ..............................................................................................................

29. I can no longer ...................................................for granted.


N.B. : I can no longer... = je ne peux plus....

Circle the number of the activities connected to work in blue.

What are the other activities connected to ? ....................................................................



   Impression Impression